It was an amazing day at the lunch, our return for 2010, Yohti was our guest speaker, her story was so inspiring to us all.
Here are a few comments from some of our new photographer members from yesterday.
Hi Pete and Paula,
I just wanted to say thank you so much for organising today. I have been going through some terrible ups and downs during the past 6 months with my photography and after Yohti's talk today I feel very positive and motivated. It was like she was talking about me! I know I've still got a lot to learn but I know that the ups and downs I experience are normal when you're passionate about something, and I've just got to keep going and keep improving. I'll get there in the end!
I'm getting to know people at the group more now, and I'm feeling more confident about asking for help when I need it. I've also started to meet photographers in my local area and we're going to meet up soon to learn more about lighting from each other.
For me, today's talk was better than anything else I've attended. Maybe one day I will be able to give a talk like that.
Thank you again,
Meg x